Applications will open September 1.
The American Institute of Physics sponsors two scientists annually to spend a year providing analytical expertise and scientific advice to Congress. This enables scientists to broaden their experience through direct involvement with the legislative and policy processes.
Fellows gain a perspective which, ideally, will enhance not only their own careers but also the physics community’s ability to more effectively communicate with its representatives in Congress.
Meet the AIP Congressional Science Fellows.
- Qualifications
- Membership in one or more of AIP's Member Societies at time of application
- Ph.D. in physics or a field closely related to the physical sciences (degree must be complete before the start of the fellowship term)
- Legal authorization to work in the U.S. (AIP will not sponsor or contribute to applications for work visas)
- Interest or experience in applying scientific knowledge to the solution of societal problems
- Excellent record of scientific accomplishments
- Outstanding interpersonal and communications skills
- Sound judgment and maturity in decision-making
- Fellows are expected to be capable of handling varied assignments, both technical and non-technical
- Term and Benefits
Fellowship term
Fellowships are for one year, usually running September through August. The Fellowship term begins with a required two-week orientation in Washington for all Science and Technology Policy Fellows, organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Following the orientation, Congressional fellows interview with Congressional and committee offices to find a placement where they wish to serve. During their term, Fellows are expected to work full-time at their Fellowship assignment.
- Stipend of $86,100 per year
- Initial allowance of $3,000, which can be used for relocation or other expenses in support of your fellowship
- Reimbursement for in-service travel or professional development up to a specified maximum
- Reimbursement for health insurance premiums up to specified maximum
Scientists at all career stages, including mid- and late-career professionals, are encouraged to apply. Although the Fellowship is a full-time position, arrangements to supplement the stipend by continuing to receive a salary from a current employer while taking a sabbatical or leave of absence during the Fellowship term may be worked out on a case-by-case basis.
- Application information
Apply here: Congressional Fellowship Application Portal
Application Deadline
- December 1
Application Information
Developing a clear, comprehensive and competitive application takes significant time. Start early and contact your references as soon as possible.
All application materials must be submitted via our online application system. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all application materials, including letters of recommendation, are submitted prior to the deadline. Applicants can verify receipt of recommendation letters via the online application system.
Application materials include:
1. Application Form
2. Letter of Intent
Your Letter of Intent should be limited to 2 pages and provide information regarding:
- Reason for applying
- Scientific training and professional background
- Public policy interest or experience
- Attributes and experience that would make the applicant effective in this position.
3. Resume
Your resume should be limited to 2 pages with up to one additional page allowed for a list of key publications.
4. Letters of Recommendation
Three recommendation letters are required and should be from those having direct knowledge of the applicant's character, professional competence and particular attributes or experience that would enhance the candidate's suitability for this position.
Shared Application System
AIP and the American Physical Society allow applicants to submit a single set of Congressional fellowship application materials. Via the online application system, applicants can opt to submit their materials to: APS only, AIP only or both APS and AIP.
While the application system is shared, each organization’s fellowship program is independent, with differing eligibility requirements and separate selection committees. After your application is complete, applicants will communicate with AIP and APS separately.
It is the full responsibility of the applicant to check the status of materials submitted and ensure all materials, including letters of recommendation, are received by the December 1 deadline.
If you have any questions about AIP’s fellowship program, please contact [email protected].
Apply here: Congressional Fellowship Application Portal