Programs, courses, and other services--such as newsletters or reduced membership fees--provided by AIP's Member Societies to support under-represented minorities in physics.
Diversity Recruitment through Education and Mentoring Program (DREAM) | AAPM
A 10-week summer program designed to increase the number of under-represented groups in medical physics by creating new opportunities, outreach and mentoring geared towards diversity recruitment of undergraduate students in the field of medical physics.
Spectrum – a newsletter about topics related to minority groups in astronomy | AAS
A newsletter about topics related to minority groups in astronomy.
Committee on the Status of Minorities in Astronomy | AAS
The mission of the CSMA is to enhance the participation of under-represented minorities in astronomy at all levels of experience.
Panchromatic | AAS
Electronic Mailing List - The list is moderated and is intended to be a resource for professional and amateur astronomers (and students who aspire to be astronomers, provided they are at least juniors in high school) who are members of under-represented minority groups.
Teaching Guides on Women and Minorities in the Physical Sciences | AIP Center for History of Physics
A series of guides intended to increase knowledge of and generate discussion about the historical and contemporary experiences of women and minorities in physics, astronomy, and related disciplines.
AMS Weather Studies Diversity Project | AMS
American Meteorological Society (AMS) is making available an introductory weather and climate course, AMS Weather Studies, which can be added to an institution's general education offerings.
Board on Women and Minorities | AMS
The Board on Women and Minorities is charged with examining workplace issues, including educational and professional opportunities, that affect those employed in the atmospheric and related sciences for all segments of the Society, with special emphasis on women, minorities, and the disabled.
APS Bridge Program | APS
The American Physical Society Bridge Program (APS-BP) is an effort to increase the number of physics PhDs awarded to under-represented minority (URM) students, defined by the project as African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans.
The APS Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance | APS
The APS Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA) is an initiative with a mission of empowering and supporting physics departments, laboratories, and other organizations to identify and enact strategies for improving equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). It will do so by establishing a community of transformation.
APS Minorities in Physics Program | APS
A comprehensive listing of all programs, services, and awards APS offers to African American, Hispanic American and Native American physicists.
ASA Committee for Improving Racial Diversity and Inclusivity | ASA
The Committee provide guidance on how the acoustics community can attract and embrace underrepresented groups in acoustics.
Summer Undergraduate Research or Internship Experience in Acoustics (SURIEA) | ASA
A 12-week paid summer undergraduate research program for students interested in the area of Acoustics. This intensive summer program in acoustics is designed for underrepresented minority undergraduates from across the country.
Women in Acoustics Committee | ASA
Fosters a supportive atmosphere within the Society and within the scientific community at large, ultimately encouraging women to pursue rewarding and satisfying careers in acoustics.
APS Women in Physics Program | APS
A comprehensive listing of all programs, services, and awards APS offers to women in physics at all levels.
Minorities and Women in OSA | Optica (formerly OSA)
Minorities and Women in OSA (MWOSA) is dedicated to providing focused educational and networking opportunities, career support, grant information and related services to minorities and women in optics and photonics.
Reflections in Diversity | Optica (formerly OSA)
Reflections in Diversity is a space in the Optics & Photonics Newsletter that explores how the optics community can broaden its own spectrum.
Developing Nations Membership Discount | Optica (formerly OSA)
Residents of countries identified by the World Bank as developing countries are eligible for reduced OSA individual and student member dues.