Awards and Prizes

AIP honors outstanding achievements in excellence in physics and raises public awareness of the contributions that physicists make to society. In addition to its awards program, AIP supports the profession with government fellowships and undergraduate scholarships and teaching awards.

Andrew Gemant Award Recognizes significant contributions to the cultural, artistic, or humanistic dimension of physics
Tate Medal for International Leadership in Physics Presented for distinguished service to the profession of physics by a non-U.S. national
Compton Medal for Leadership in Physics Presented for distinguished statesmanship in science
Dannie Heineman Astrophysics Prize Recognizes accomplishments in theoretical astrophysics, sponsored jointly with the American Astronomical Society
Dannie Heineman Mathematical Physics Prize Recognizes accomplishments in mathematical physics, sponsored jointly with the American Physical Society
Meggers Project Award Awarded biennially for projects designed to improve high school physics
AIP-NSBP Joseph A. Johnson Award Recognizes a member of the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP), for excellence in science and passion for mentorship and service. This  award is sponsored jointly with NSBP.

American Institute of Physics Science Fellowships

AIP Congressional Science Fellowship Program Sponsors a scientist annually to provide scientific and technical advice to Congress
AIP State Department Science Fellowship Program Sponsors at least one Fellow annually to provide scientific and technical expertise to the State Department
AIP Robert H. G. Helleman Memorial Fellowships Provides fellowships in physics and subdisciplines at US universities for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from the Netherlands

Society of Physics Students (SPS) Scholarships & Awards

SPS Scholarships

SPS Leadership Scholarships 
Marian H. Rose Research Scholarship
Herbert Levy Memorial Scholarship
SPS Future Teacher Scholarship
Peggy Dixon Two-Year Scholarship

SPS Recognition Awards

Future Faces Of Physics Award
SPS Outstanding Chapter Award
SPS Reporter Awards
Marsh W. White Award
Sigma Pi Sigma Undergraduate Research Award
Blake Lilly Prize
Outstanding Student Award for Undergraduate Research
Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award
SPS Travel Awards

SPS Internships  
Sigma Pi Sigma Awards

Chapter Project Award
Outstanding Service Award
Worth Seagondollar Award